Wednesday, May 4, 2011


First off, Happy Star Wars Day, my fellow bloggers.  May the 4th be with you!  Can you believe it's the last day of Greek Week?  Best of luck to all pairing participants reading this.  Anyways, let's move on to what I learned from last week's little experiment.

The biggest thing that these minisurveys reaffirmed to me is that Fraternity life has a fine line to be walked, and that not everyone has the best balance on that tricky tightrope.  One side has responsibility and leadership, and the other side has the glamorous social aspect of college that we've grown to know and love.  I'll be the first to admit that I've fallen off this rope a couple times.  I'm all for having a good time, but college, and Greek Life specifically, needs to be about a lot more than having a good time.

We are the leaders of tomorrow, and we need to start acting like it today.  I actually had an extensive conversation about this yesterday with my assistant hall director.  Now, I'll spare you the inspirational details and summarize the conversation.  Basically, our conversation ranged from the Greek Week speakers, to the Osama/Mirror Lake happenings, to my experience in New Orleans.  What I discovered, is that a lot of profound realizations that people have later on in life, I'm having my freshman year of college, and I couldn't be more excited about that.  During our conversation, I realized how much I've changed and improved as a person since my freshman year of high school even.  When I was in high school, I did a lot to help my small town.  Now that I'm in college, I'm doing a lot to help a larger community, and even my country in some aspects.  I'm accomplishing great things and making a difference now, and I couldn't be more thrilled to think about where I'll be by the end of college and years after.  To think that this one person has so much potential, and that eventually I WILL be helping things on a global scale, is amazing.  Now, don't misconstrue my words, I'm not trying to sound egotistical.  But I strongly believe that if more people had the potential,
ambition, and drive that I have, this world would be a better place.

And as a special present to those of you that have read this blog in full, here's some nostalgia relating to the blog title :)

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